Sunday, February 26, 2017


Monday A-4 and A-2 will be working on their children's book for Dalton, Pasteur, Nightingale and Darwin.  With the time remaining students will be playing a game on socialism and capitalism playing rock paper scissors.  At the end of the class, students will be getting a DBQ on the Industrial Revolution.

Tuesday B-2 will be getting their DBQ questions, but will spend the period with Ms. Nickerson who will discuss class selection for next year.

Wednesday A-2 and A-4 will be going over the DBQ questions on Industrial Revolution and then write it for Friday. Students will then be going over all that we know for a test next Tuesday on Industrial Revolution. 

Thursday B-2 will be checked for DBQ questions. They will then finish children's book on Dalton Pasteur, Nightingale and Darwin. Students will finish with the Rock Paper Scissors game on Capitalism and Socialism.  Students will be assigned a DBQ for Monday and a test on Industrial Revolution Monday. 

Friday A-2 and A-4 will be handing in their DBQ's. Ms. Nickerson will be in to discuss guidance and class selections for next year.