Sunday, September 30, 2012


On Monday the students will be getting guidance from Ms. Getchell the Freshmen Guidance Counselor.  To put a face to the name, here is Ms. Getchell with her grandchild.
Brunnie Getchell

Students learned there are 2 important features of the Middle Ages. The Manor and Religion. Tuesday will be an introduction to the religion aspect.  Christianity and its importance to the Middle Ages will be discussed.. The notes can be found here.

Wednesday we will become monks or nuns and be listening to gregorian chants while illuminating a text about Hildegard of Belgen. Students will refer to each other as brother or sister and take a vow of silence for the period.

 Here is some of the music we will be listen to that will help the monks and nuns complete their experience.

Thursday and Friday the students will be exposed to the other main element of Christianity. The actual Church and the Cathedral. Students will see the architecture and design of churches. Can you find Quasimodo?

I will be collecting projects.