Sunday, March 26, 2017


Monday B-2 will be going over the new weapons of war and how WWI went. They will then re act their own WWI battle.

Tuesday A-2 and A-4 will watch the movie clips from previous week on trench warefare. We will review for a quiz on Thursday. Then we will be in library for rest of period. I will be collecting 30 note cards for A-2 and 20 for A-4.

Wednesday B-2 will be doing the same as Tuesday.  I will be collecting 20 note cards.

Thursday A-2 and A-4 will be having a quiz on WWI. I will also be having a notebook check. Then the students will do a walking museum of the Russian Revolution.

Friday B-2 will do the same as Thursday.   A-2 students will be handing in summaries of AQWF chapters 7 and 8