Sunday, March 26, 2017


Monday B-2 will be going over the new weapons of war and how WWI went. They will then re act their own WWI battle.

Tuesday A-2 and A-4 will watch the movie clips from previous week on trench warefare. We will review for a quiz on Thursday. Then we will be in library for rest of period. I will be collecting 30 note cards for A-2 and 20 for A-4.

Wednesday B-2 will be doing the same as Tuesday.  I will be collecting 20 note cards.

Thursday A-2 and A-4 will be having a quiz on WWI. I will also be having a notebook check. Then the students will do a walking museum of the Russian Revolution.

Friday B-2 will do the same as Thursday.   A-2 students will be handing in summaries of AQWF chapters 7 and 8

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Monday A-2 and A-4 will are behind a little. We will look at the pictures of the WWI. Then we will takes some notes on WWI that can be found on last blog entry. Students will then be called up to look at thesis for research paper while working on a WWI map. Students will get a homework sheet on WWI. 
A-2 will pass in summaries of Chapters 3 and 4.

Tuesday B-2 will do the same.

Wednesday A-2 and A-4 will be in the library working on the research paper. Students in A-2 will have to put together 30 note cards and A-4 will have to put together 20.  I will be collecting homework sheet.  Note cards will be due next Tuesday.

Thursday B-2 will do the same.

Friday A-2 and A-4 will be looking at new weapons of war and how the war went. The will see some footage of how the war was fought and trench warfare.  Students will then reenact WWI for them selves.

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Monday A-2 and A-4 will have us playing  our game of Countries and Alliances. This will tie in with the start of WWI. A-2 will pass in summaries for chapters 1 and 2

Chapters 3 and 4 summaries will be due on Friday of All Quiet On The Western Front

Here is a video that goes with our game and imperialism.

Tuesday B-2 will be doing the same as A-4 on Monday. Homework packet will be due.

Wednesday A-2 and A-4 will finish the game and hand in homework packet on WWI. We will start with some notes the start of WWI

They can be found here.

This will help with understanding of of WWI start.

Thursday B-2 will do the same as A-4

Friday A-2 and A-4 will be working on a map of WWI and looking at how the WWI went and who were the Axis Powers (Central Powers) and who were the Alliance.  I will be collecting chapter 3 and 4 summaries for All Quiet on the Western Front

We will be discussing how the war went and some of the major battles and new weapons.

Here is how the war went

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Monday is a test for B-2 on Industrial Revolution. I will be collecting DBQ. Students then will be assigned a research paper and decide on a topic for Wednesday.  Students will receive a homework packet on Imperialism and WWI This will be due Tuesday next week.. Students will also receive class progress reports to sign.  We will be looking at a Haka to introduce Imperialism. Different ways to look at the world

Tuesday A-2 and A-4 will do the same as Monday. Homework packet will be due Wednesday of next week. A-2 will get their book All Quiet on the Western Front to start reading. For Monday chapter 1 and 2 summaries will be due.

Wednesday is a half day. B-2 will be working on a map of Africa. Then students will be taking some notes on Imperialism that will be found here. I will be collecting research paper topic and signed progress report.

Thursday A-2 and A-4 will do the same. If there is time left they will be put in groups and start a country and designing a flag.

Friday B-2 will be playing the international alliance game that will show what how World WWI starts.