Tuesday will find us going over how to write a DBQ. I will be asking for people to volunteer to be lawyers for a mock trial of Hitler. Then we will be looking at the dictators of pre World War II. Students will receive a homework packet on WWII.
Wednesday we will be taking some notes on the situation of Germany, Russia and Italy in the 20's and 30s. Students will be assigned a role for the court case. We will be putting Hitler on trial for his culpability. Students will start to research their person.
Thursday will find us playing the dating game. A lady will be asking 3 contestants about themselves. These contestants are Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin
Friday we will be going over trial information. I will also be showing some clips of speeches given by the dictators. The last part of class will be looking at a biography of Adolf Hitler. I will also be collecting the Homework Packet on WWII.