Monday, May 29, 2017


Tuesday A-2 and  A-4 will be taking a few notes on Islam and the problems for a quiz on Thursday. We will then start looking at India.
This says it all.

We will look at Hinduism. We will take a few notes that can be found here. on Hinduism and the Caste System.

Wednesday B-2 will be doing the same.

Thursday A-2 and A-4 will take a quiz on Islam and the Middle East. They will finish notes on Hinduism and start on Buddhism. We will start Little Buddha. Here is a clip of Buddha discovering suffering.

We will get a map of India and China for homework.

Friday B-2 will do the same as Thursday

Sunday, May 21, 2017

WEEK OF MAY 22 - 26

 Monday B-2 will be introduced to the Cold War.  We are then going to start the Middle East. We will be getting a homework packet. Here it is. It will be due on Friday.
Students will be given an introductory pre-quiz on Islam and be given a vocabulary word. Students will be given some notes on Islam and the 5 pillars.Here

Tuesday A-2  and A-4 will be doing the same as B-2.  Packet is due Thursday

Wednesday B-1 will have the story of Muhammad and the beginning of Islam. We will be do a little reading on him. We will review the 5 pillars of Islam.
Then we will be looking at the importance of  Arabic and the Quran. Students will be getting two homework sheets.

Thursday A-2 will be dong the same. I will be collecting homework Packet

Friday B-2 we might be looking at the divide of Islam with Sunni and Shiites.
Not sure what will happen with Pretty Day.

Image Detail

Then we will be looking at Sharia or Islamic Law. I will be collecting homework packet.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


Monday will find A-2 will be taking a quiz on WWII start. They will be working on a basic outline for the pacific war. Students will then watch an overview of the Pacific Theater of War.

A-4 will be going to an assembly on Genocide

Tuesday will find B-2 will then start looking at the  pacific theater of war in WWII. We will be looking a Kamikaze, Island Hopping, Aircraft Carriers, the Bataan Death March and the brutal fighting in brutal conditions.
Here is some of the helpful video we will watch
This one simplifies the Bataan Death March

Wednesday is a half day. A-2 and A-4 will be going over the Pacific Theater.

Thursday B-2 will be looking at the Atomic Bomb and the feelings on both sides. We will see how they have change the world today and look at Nuclear Bombs.  Students will receive a take home test on WWII.

Great site to see the destructive power of a nuclear bomb.

Friday A-2 and A-4 will be working on the same as Thursday B-2. They will also get a take home test.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

WEEK OF MAY 8 - 12

Monday B-2 will go over the homework packet on WWII and dictators for a quiz on Wednesday after they finish the Hitler trial.

The ultimate take away from this activity is to discuss the age old question of " is following orders and excuse to commit heinous acts?"

Here is the Milgram Experiment about obedience and underneath a new study that adds to it.



Tuesday A-2 and A-4 will finish the trial. Then students will be going over the war in Europe.

June 6 not June 5th!!!

Wednesday B-2 will do the same

Thursday A-2 and A-4  will be taking the quiz on 3 dictators and beginning of war.  Then they will continue to look at the major battles of the Europe with Stalingrad and D Day.

Friday B-2 will be doing the same.