Sunday, October 28, 2012


Monday will find us taking a quiz on the Protestant Reformation.

Tuesday will be and introduction to Art our next Revolution.  The students will be given a homework packet on the Renaissance.
Here it is
It will be due on Monday of next week. Students will share their vocabulary word.

Wednesday students will start to look at art. They will see the the first 3 schools of art, Classical, Medieval and Renaissance. Students will see the difference between the 3.


classical, medieval and renaissance

Thursday we will look at how to critique art, looking at color, emphasis and proportion among other variables to look at.  We will look some paintings to help us put into practice our new found skills.

Some paintings to critique:

Friday will have us looking at he different schools of art and view more paintings of the different schools.Some of the schools are the romantics, realists, impressionist, post impressionist and the abstract schools.

Friday, October 19, 2012


Monday will find us going over a venn diagram with Protestant and Catholicism. To wrap it up we will look at a video showing how extreme Protestantism was for a time by looking at this:

Tuesday will find us going over the spread of the protestant reformation to England. We will be looking at the story of Henry Tudor or Henry VIII and his family. This will tie in with the way the split in the church affected Europe.

Here is homework for Tuesday night.
Honors is this and the above

We will also be going over the homework packet and getting ready for a quiz on Friday.
Here is the homework sheet for Tuesday.

Wednesday is a half day and we will be in computer lab make a facebook page for Henry VIII.

Thursday we will be finishing the facebook page.

Friday is a quiz on the Protestant Reformation.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Monday students will be introduced the concept of revolutions and what a revolution is. The students will also be introduced to a Freyer Model. This will help us understand a revolution. The student will practice with an easy topic and apply it to revolutions.

Students will be getting a homework packet due Friday.
For honors there is an extra reading found here.

Tuesday the students will finish up the Freyer Model.

Wednesday students will be given notes on our first area of revolution= Religion. The students will be learning about the Protestant Reformation.  I will put the notes up on Thursday.

Thursday students will be introduced to Martin Luther. Students will be given a reading on Martin Luther and be given a comprehension quiz. 
Here is the man.

Friday students will work on a wanted poster on Martin Luther.  I will be collecting a homework packet on Friday.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Tuesday will find us starting the cathedral activity because we spent last Thursday in the computer lab working on project. Students will be looking at what is a nave, pulpit, and other Gothic architecture.

Wednesday we will finish up the cathedrals and be looking up the crusades and the impact of the crusades on Europe. Homework is here.
Here is the city they are fighting for and some of the main characters in the battles.

Image Detail    and today.......
 More family fun on the walls excuse the family
Here is the city of Akko a major battle area.

Thursday will be a review for a test on the Middle Ages.  OPEN HOUSE

Friday is test on Middle Ages.