Sunday, April 30, 2017


Monday A-2 and A-4 will be getting a quick beginning  of Hitler's take over of Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland plus an over view of WWII. Then students will be  working on the trial. Lawyers will be taking depositions from all the witnesses. Students will be working on newspaper.  WWII homework packet is due.

Tuesday B-2 will be doing the same as Monday. The WWII  homework packet will be due.

Wednesday A-2 and A-4  will finish taking depositions from witnesses and start their trial. The witnesses will finish working on their WWII newspaper.

Thursday B-2 will do the same.

Friday A-2  and A-4 will be finishing their Hitler Trial and reviewing the holocaust. Then we will looking at the war in Europe.

Sunday, April 23, 2017


Monday B-2 will be  take a few notes about the Dictators after WWI. The notes are here.
The big 3 are: Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin We will then be looking at speeches of the three.
Students will be getting a homework packet that will be due next Tuesday. It can be found here.  It will be due next Tuesday.

and the lesser known dictator of Japan: Tojo

Here is Benito Mussolini

 Here is Joseph Stalin. He stopped applause with buzzer because no one wanted to be the first to stop clapping. Pretty boring. Notice the bottle that he drinks from. It is not water.

Here is Hitler.

We will be looking further at the relationship of Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini had learning about them by playing the dating game.

Tuesday A-2 and A-4 will be doing the same. Their homework packet will be due next Monday.

Wednesday B-2  will be reading about Hitler's life.Then students will  be given a role in the trial of Adolf Hitler. Students will be working on their trial

Thursday A-2 and A-4 will be doing the same.

Friday B-2 will be working on depositions for the trial and a newspaper on WWII.

Sunday, April 2, 2017


On Monday A-2 and A-4 will be reviewing walking museum on Russia. Here is few pictures to get you started.   The last day to hand in the Research paper will be next Thursday.

Romanov Family





We will be taking some notes on the Russian Revolution that can be found here.
Students will be getting a  reading 26-5 on Russian Revolution.

Tuesday B-2 will be doing the same. Except last day to hand in Research Paper will be next Wednesday.


Thursday B-2 will be working on making little CIA fact cards on the main players of the Revolution.
Students will then change the lyrics of  Bob Marley's I shot the Sheriff to fit to the Russian Revolution.

Friday A-2 and A-4 will be doing the same as Thursday.  I will be collecting the last summary of All Quiet on the Western Front Chapters 9, 10 and 11.