Sunday, March 29, 2015


 Monday will will wrap up WWI and the idea of reparations and how this leads to WWII. Students will then spend the period setting up their first paragraph of their research paper using MOBATHBLUE. This will allow for them to write the paper and hand it in no later than next Friday. That will be the last day to hand it in without losing points.

See older blog for direction rubric.

Tuesday students will be introduced to the the Russian Revolution. We will be taking some notes on it. They will be found here.

Wednesday the students will be in groups working on a CIA fact sheet about the main players in Revolution.
Here are some of the main players:

Lead shot that missed Tsar Nicholas II for sale  Tsar Nicholas.   Rasputin

Vladimir Lenin, student revolutionary, 1895 mug shot Lenin      Trotsky    Stalin

Thursday they will finish up the CIA fact sheet.

Friday: no school: GOOD FRIDAY.

Sunday, March 22, 2015



So, Monday will be a quiz on WWI after we discuss our WWI reenactment. Our trench warfare.
Here are the trenches

And here is the aftermath of war.. .No one thinks about the clean up.

 Then we will be starting All Quiet on the Western Front.

This movie will take us through Thursday and will give a great understanding of the WWI. Here is a clip from the movie.

Here is a good example of the tragedy of trench warfare and the stress that soldiers faced in battle from Gallipoli.

Friday will find us looking at our note cards and our works cited for our research paper.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

WEEK MARCH 16 - 20

Monday will find us going over the notes on the start of WWI and looking at some pictures that tell the story of the war. We didn't get to them last week due to the Alliance game.

Tuesday we will be finishing up the notes that we started and going over the build up and the start of WWI. We will do an activity on the shooting of the Archduke Ferdinand.

Wednesday we will go over the homework packet and terms for a quiz on Friday. We will also be looking at the Weapons of WWI.


Thursday we will be going over the major battles and causalities of the war. We will look at the Western Front and Eastern Front and the trenches.

Friday we will have a quiz on WWI and act out a simulation on Trench Warfare. I will also be collecting the research facts.

Sunday, March 8, 2015


Monday and Tuesday will have us finishing our game of Countries and Alliances. This will tie in with the start of WWI. Students got a homework packet that will be due next Friday.

Tuesday here is a video

Wednesday we will be looking at the start of WWI and the causes. The students will be taking a few notes. It is a half day.
They can be found here on Wednesday.

This will help.

Thursday and Friday we will be in library working on research paper. Students must take notes.
CP2 will take 15
CP1 will take 20
Honors will take 30

I will have rubric here.

Here is finished Research Paper Rubric CP1.

Here is HONORS

Friday I will collect the homework packet on WWI.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Monday students will be working on a vocab word on the next unit Imperialism and WWI. Students will get some notes that will be here on Monday afternoon on Imperialism.
Map of Africa with African Countries  Lesson 10: Imperialism Map and Questions

Honors will get All Quiet on the Western Front to start reading.

On Tuesday students will get a homework packet on Imperialism and WWI. Students will be working on a map of Africa and they will be looking at how Europeans come into conflict over Africa.

On Wednesday - Friday Students will play a game about the concepts of Alliances and conflict. This will lead us into understanding how WWI started.