Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Monday we will finally get to our game on capitalism and socialism

Tuesday we will be looking at the new religious sects of  Methodists and Salvation Army. We will also looking at women's rights and the suffrage movement.

Wednesday we will be looking at Darwinism, the improvement of science and the scare this brought and daily life.
Here is the worry of many of the Industrial Revolution.

Thursday we will review for the test on Industrial Revolution and Ms. Getchell from Guidance will be here to talk scheduling.

Friday we will have a test on the Industrial Revolution.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Monday will see us going over how to write a DBQ or Document Based Question. We will be breaking down our first attempts at writing a DBQ from earlier in the year. We will also be going over the homework packet for a quiz on Wednesday.

Tuesday we will be looking at improvements of life and the difficulty of life. Then we will be looking at Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.  We will also be looking at social Darwinism. To end the class we will be playing a game rock paper scissors that will help explain the concepts.

Wednesday we will have a quiz on Industrial Revolution

Thursday we will look at how life changed for women. We will also be looking at how Methodism and Salvation Army started with the idea of helping working class people.

We will also see a clip from Charlie Chaplin that shows life of people.

Friday we will be having a test on the Industrial Revolution and collecting DBQ's on Industrial Revolution.

Monday, February 2, 2015


Monday no school due to a snow day.

Tuesday I will be collecting the homework packet.  Tuesday we will be a look at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and how it started in Great Britain.   We will be looking at pictures of factories and factory workers.
    Effects of the Industrial Revolution    Child_Labor_in_Factory.jpg

 We will start a game on the How money was made during the Industrial Revolution.

Wednesday we will be finishing the Industrial Revolution Game.

Thursday we will look at the inventions of the revolution such as steam engines, steel and electricity.
We will then go over the homework packet.
Here is homework tonight.

Friday we will be having a quiz on the Industrial Revolution. Then we will be going over how to write a