Sunday, February 23, 2014

FEBRUARY 24 - 28

Monday we will be back from vacation. VERY EXCITING! We be heading into our unit on war and WWI and WWII. We will start looking at why we had WWI. This will start with Imperialism. We will get back in the mood of school by working on a map of Africa. We will also be going over the DBQ.


Tuesday will find us taking a few notes on Imperialism. The notes will be found here on Tuesday. We will think about movies like Avitar and compare it to places like India, China and Africa. Here  is a quick video on Imperialism in Africa.

Wednesday we will start an Alliance game. This game will show how the world especially Europe got entangled in Alliances and pulled each other into war.

Thursday we will be getting a visit from Ms. Getchell. She is the Freshmen Guidance Counselor and will be talking about schedules for next year.

While we are being visited here is a good little video on Imperialism. Good overview.

Friday we will be continuing our alliance game. I will be collecting the summary for Chapter 1 and 2 of All Quiet on Western Front.

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Monday we have a quiz on Industrial Revolution. We will also be handing out a DBQ or Document Based Question. This will be due on Thursday. We will be going over how to write it.

Tuesday we will be going over  the new life the Industrial Revolution provides like fireman and policeman. We will take a few notes. Then we will watch what we never got to in the Charlie Chaplin Film.

Wednesday we will be taking a look at a Socialism and Capitalism. We will play a game of rock paper shoot to show students the concepts of Laissez Faire, economic fairness and how this relates to the Industrial Revolutions view of these along with Socialism and Capitalism.

Thursday we will look at woman, temperance movement and Methodism and the social changes that come with the Industrial Revolution. Here is a suffragette being force fed, some images of the time and the fear of too much technology.

12/12/08 : Frankenstein+Signal Electrique / CinĂ©concert !!! - Forums ... Thos Robert: Boston's Early Skyscrapers    

 Friday we will have a test on Industrial Revolution.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Monday will find us collecting homework packet on Industrial Revolution. We will also be looking at the trading cards that the students have made.

Tuesday we will look at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. We will also start playing a game on how business competed in the early IR and how it benefited Great Britain. We will see what kind of business people we have.

Wednesday we will be finishing the game.

Thursday we will look at how society changed with the Industrial Revolution. We will be taking some notes. Here is a little video about the new world we live in.
There will be a homework 21-3

We will focus on minutes 16 -20.

Friday we will be looking at Darwinism and how people applied Darwin's theory to racism. We will be playing a rock paper and scissors game that will show how Darwinism and Capitalism went hand in hand during the IR