Saturday, January 25, 2014


Monday will be an introduction day to our new unit of the Industrial Revolution.

We will be given a homework packet on the Industrial Revolution.
Here it is.
Students then will be given a walking tour of images of the Industrial Revolution.
Here are a few
industrial revolution | Publish with Glogster! 
Auto Cars Center: The first car in the world  Charlie_Chaplin.jpg
This must be an old-law tenement; the apartments in these buildings ...

Tuesday students will take some notes on the Industrial Revolution and life before and after the Industrial Revolution which will  be found here on Tuesday afternoon.  It all starts with the Enclosure Act.

Students will then present vocab word they were assigned.

Wednesday will find us looking at some of the new inventions that lead to the Revolution. This video will help.

Thursday we will watch a little documentary about the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

Friday students will be working on their homework packet to be handed in on Monday.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Tuesday will be a review for the Midterm

Wednesday and Thursday are half days and are Midterms

Friday will be a pretest and an activity on Religion.

Not Very Exciting but last day of the Quarter.

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Monday will find us quickly going over the Colombian Exchange, Middle Passage and Magellan's journey around the world.

Students will continue with the Diary project on the Americas.
 Interesting Aztecs.

Tuesday and Wednesday will be working on the Diary. The Diary is due on Wednesday at the end of period.

Thursday and Friday students will be reviewing for the Midterm.

Sunday, January 5, 2014



Monday will find us reviewing information that we have covered so far and organizing it on a time line. This will help us get back in the school mode and help review. Our Midterms are coming soon (3 weeks).

Tuesday will find us starting the Americas. We will do a quick introductory activity on the Americas. This will show the contributions of the Americas to the World. Students will work on a map of the Americas.
Students will receive a homework on the Americas.  The sheets are here.

                                                           Sheet 1
                                                           Sheet 2
Wednesday we will be shown some visuals on the Americas. Such as
giant hand in the Atacama Desert    


 and for culture diversity we will look at


We will discuss how the Americas saw the Revolutions in France and the United States and wanted the same for themselves. The political structure was very discriminatory


Then we will start the Latin America Travel Diary. This will take the rest of the week to finish it. This is a test grade.
The directions will be here
                   CP 1

                   Rubric for Honors
                   Rubric for CP1
                   Rubric for CP2