Sunday, April 28, 2013


Monday will find us in the computer lab working on our characters for the Hitler Trial.

Tuesday will find us going over how the war started and the build up. How it actually started in Europe with the invasion of Europe.

Wednesday students will be working on a fictious newspaper while they are getting deposed about their character by the lawyers.

Thursday we will be finishing up on the depositions and the newspapers.

Friday we will go over the European Theatre of  War and the major events.
WW2 started September 1, 1939 and ended September 2, 1945
Leaders of the Allies were Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
Leaders of the Axis were Adolf Hitler, Emperor Hirohito and Benito Mussolini
1939 Timeline of WW2 - September - WW2 starts September 1, 1939
  • 1 September 1939 - Germany invaded Poland
  • 3 September - Britain, Australia, New Zealand and France declare war on Germany
  • September 4, 1939 - Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy
  • September 5, 1939 - United States proclaims its neutrality
  • September 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany
  • The Battle of the Atlantic begins
The Phoney War: The Phoney War of WW2 was period of limited military activity in Europe following the invasion of Poland in September 1939 and before the Battle of France in May 1940
1940 Timeline of WW2

January - January 8, 1940 - Rationing begins in UK
March - March 16, 1940 - Scapa Flow - Germans bomb Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland
WW2 Timeline April - April 9, 1940 - Germany invades Denmark and Norway
WW2 Timeline May 1940
  • May 10, 1940 - Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
  • Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
  • May 15, 1940 - Holland surrenders
  • May 28, 1940 - Belgium surrenders
WW2 Timeline June 1940
  • June 3, 1940 - British Expeditionary Force evacuated from Dunkirk
  • June 10, 1940 - Italy declares war on Britain and France
  • June 10, 1940 - Norway surrenders
  • June 22, 1940 - France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler tours Paris
  • June 3, 1940 - Dunkirk: Following the fall of France the survivors of the British Expeditionary Force and other allied forces were evacuated from Dunkirk in Operation Dynamo
WW2 Timeline July 1940
  • July 1, 1940 - German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic
  • July 10, 1940 - The Battle of Britain begins
WW2 Timeline August 1940
  • August 23, 1940 - First German air raids on London
  • August 25, 1940 - First British air raid on Berlin
WW2 Timeline September 1940 - Operation Sea Lion (the invasion of Britain) is planned by the Germans
  • September 7, 1940 - German Blitz (Blitzkrieg) against Britain begins - London is a key target. Onslaught of German air raids on other major cities in England including Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester
  • September 13, 1940 - Italy invades Egypt
  • September 15, 1940 - Victory for the RAF in the Battle of Britain
  • September 27, 1940 - Pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan
WW2 Timeline October 1940 - Operation Sea Lion postponed until Spring of 1941
  • October 7, 1940 - Germany invades Romania
  • October 28, 1940 - Italy invades Greece and Albania
WW2 Timeline November 1940
  • November 20, 1940 - Hungary joins the Axis
  • November 23, 1940 - Romania joins the Axis
  • December 9,1940 - Britain begin a desert offensive in North Africa against the Italians
  • Air raids continue on London
1941 Timeline of WW2
January - Victory in Tobruk, in North Afrca for Britain and Australia
February - February 14, 1941 - First units of German 'Afrika Korps' arrive in Tripoli, North Africa led by General Rommel
March - March 7, 1941 - British forces arrive in Greece
WW2 Timeline April 1941
  • April 6, 1941 - Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia
  • April 17, 1941 - Yugoslavia surrenders to Germany
  • April 27, 1941 - Greece surrenders to Germany
WW2 Timeline May 1941
  • May 15, 1941 - Operation Brevity begins (the British counter-attack in Egypt)
  • May 24, 1941 - Sinking of the British ship Hood by the Bismarck
  • May 27, 1941 - Sinking of the Bismarck by the British Navy
WW2 Timeline June 1941
  • June 8, 1941 - Allies invade Syria and Lebanon
  • June 22, 1941 - Operation Barbarossa - Germany attacks Soviet Union as Operation Barbarossa begins
WW2 Timeline July 1941
  • July 10, 1941 - Germans invade the Ukraine. Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets
  • July 31, 1941 - Instructions given by Hitler and Goring to prepare for the Final Solution
WW2 Timeline August 1941
  • August 20, 1941 - German siege of Leningrad begins
WW2 Timeline September 1941
  • September 3, 1941 - First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz
WW2 Timeline October 1941
  • October 2, 1941 - Operation Typhoon begins and the Germans advance on Moscow
WW2 Timeline November 1941
  • November 13, 1941 - British aircraft carrier Ark Royal is sunk off Gibraltar by a U-boat
WW2 Timeline December 1941
  • 7 December, 1941 - Japan makes a surprise attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii declaring war on Britain and the United States
  • December 8, 1941 - The United States, led by US president, Franklin D Roosevelt, declares war on the Axis powers
  • December 11, 1941 - Italy and Germany declare war against the US
  • December 25, 1941 - Britain surrenders Hong Kong to Japan

1942 Timeline of WW2
WW2 Timeline January 1942
  • January 13, 1942 - Germany launches a U-boat offensive along east coast of USA
  • Germany suffers setbacks at Stalingrad and El Alamein
  • 20 January, 1942 - Heydrich outlines the 'Final Solution' at Wansee
  • January 26, 1942 - First American forces arrive in Great Britain
WW2 Timeline February 1942
  • 2 February 1942 - Japan invades Singapore around 25,000 prisoners taken
WW2 Timeline April 1942
  • Japan captures Bataan leading to the 'Death March'
WW2 Timeline May - 1942
  • May 1942 - German summer offensive begins in the Crimea and against the Gazala Line
  • May 6, 1942 - Surrender of all US forces on Philippines
WW2 Timeline June - 1942
  • June4, 1942 - American naval victory at Battle of Midway, in June, marks turning point in Pacific War - 4 Japanese carriers sunk
  • Mass murder of Jewish people at Auschwitz begins
  • June 21, 1942 - Rommel captures Tobruk
WW2 Timeline July - 1942
  • July 9, 1942 - Germans move towards Stalingrad in the USSR
  • July 22, 1942 - Jews deported from the Warsaw Ghetto to concentration camps
WW2 Timeline August - 1942
  • August 7, 1942 - British General Montgomery takes command of Eighth Army in North Africa
  • August 22nd - Brazil declares war on Germany and Italy
WW2 Timeline September - 1942
  • September 13, 1942 - Battle of Stalingrad begins
WW2 Timeline October - 1942
  • October 23, 1942 - Battle of El Alamein begins
WW2 Timeline November - 1942
  • November 8, 1942 - Operation Torch begins (U.S. invasion of North Africa).
1943 Timeline of WW2
WW2 Timeline January - 1943
  • January 10, 1943 - Soviets begin an offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad
  • January 14th - Casablanca Conference begins President Roosevelt demands "Unconditional Surrender"
WW2 Timeline February - 1943
  • February 2, 1943 - Surrender at Stalingrad marks Germany's first major defeat
  • Soviets recapture Kursk, Rostov and Kharkov
WW2 Timeline March - 1943
  • March 2, 1943 - Germans begin a withdrawal from Tunisia, Africa and the Allied victory in North Africa enables invasion of Italy to be launched
WW2 Timeline May - 1943
  • May 13, 1943 - German and Italian troops surrender in North Africa
WW2 Timeline July - 1943
  • Bombing offensives in Germany
  • July10, 1943 - Operation Husky - Allied landings in Sicily
WW2 Timeline September - 1943
  • September 8, 1943 - Italy surrenders to the Allies
  • September 12, 1943 - Germans rescue Mussolini who re-establishes a Fascist government
WW2 Timeline October - 1943
  • October 1, 1943 - Allies enter Naples, Italy
  • October 13, 1943 - Italy declares war on Germany
WW2 Timeline November - 1943
  • Allied leaders meet at Teheran
  • November 6, 1943 - Soviets re-capture Kiev
1944 Timeline of WW2
WW2 Timeline January - 1944
  • January 22, 1944- Allied landings in Anzio
  • January 27, 1944 - End of siege of Leningrad
February - February 15-18 - Allies bomb the monastery at Monte Cassino
WW2 Timeline March - 1944
  • March 19th - Hungary occupied by German Army
WW2 Timeline April - 1944
  • April 10th - Soviets capture Odessa
WW2 Timeline May - 1944
  • May 12, 1944 - Germans surrender in the Crimea
  • May 25, 1944 - Germans retreat from Anzio
WW2 Timeline June - 1944
  • June 5, 1944 - Allies enter Rome
  • June 6, 1944 - D-Day landings on the northern coast of France - Operation Neptune/Overlord
  • June 27, 1944 - US Army captures Cherbourg
WW2 Timeline July - 1944
  • July 3, 1944 - Soviets re-capture Minsk
  • July 9, 1944 - Allies capture Caen
  • July 20, 1944 - German assassination attempt on Hitler fails
  • July 21, 1944 - US landings on Guam
  • July 25, 1944 - Operation Cobra - Allied breakout from Normandy begins
WW2 Timeline August - 1944
  • August 15, 1944 - Operation Dragoon begins (the Allied invasion of Southern France)
  • August 25, 1944 - Allies liberate Paris
  • August 30, 1944 - Germans abandon Bulgaria
  • August 31, 1944 - Soviets capture Bucharest
WW2 Timeline September - 1944
  • September 22, 1944 - Boulogne liberated
  • September 26, 1944 - Estonia occupied by Soviets
  • September 28, 1944 - Calais liberated
WW2 Timeline October - 1944
  • October 14, 1944 - Athens liberated - Rommel commits suicide
  • October 20, 1944 - Belgrade liberated
  • October 23, 1944 - Soviets enter East Prussia
WW2 Timeline November - 1944
  • November 4, 1944 - Surrender of Axis forces in Greece
WW2 Timeline December - 1944
  • December 16, 1944 - German attack through Ardennes - Battle of the Bulge begins
  • December 26, 1944 - Patton relieves Bastogne

1945 Timeline of WW2
WW2 Timeline January - 1945
  • January 1, 1945 - Germans withdraw from Ardennes
  • January 17, 1945 - Soviets capture Warsaw
  • January 26, 1945 - Japanese retreat to Chinese coast and Soviets liberate Auschwitz
WW2 Timeline February - 1945
  • February 4-11, 1945: Yalta Conference meeting of FDR, Churchill, Stalin - the 'Big Three'
    Soviet Union has control of Eastern Europe
  • February 19, 1945 - US landings on Iwo Jima
WW2 Timeline April - 1945
  • April 1, 1945 - U.S. troops encircle Germans in the Ruhr
  • April 12, 1945 - Allies liberate Buchenwald and Belsen concentration camps
  • April 12, 1945 - President Roosevelt dies and Harry Truman becomes President
WW2 Timeline May - 1945
  • May 8: VE Day - Victory in Europe. Germany surrenders to the Red Army in Berlin

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Monday will find us starting WWII. This will be after a quick review of what we have learned so far this year. We will be taking a few notes that can be found here. Students will also be asked to volunteer for the Hitler trial.

Tuesday we will be given a homework packet on WWII. We will go over together a reading on the three dicators and the Dating game.

Wednesday will find us going over the 3 dictators and looking at speeches that each one has given.

Here is Benito Mussolini

Here is Joseph Stalin. He stopped applause with buzzer because no one wanted to be the first to stop clapping. Pretty boring. Notice the bottle that he drinks from. It is not water.

Here is Hitler.

We will start looking at Adolf Hitler.

Thursday we will finish up looking at Hitler and his life.

Friday will find us starting our research on our characters for the Hitler Trial. Some are Lawyers and the rest will be witnesses.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


 Monday will find us finishing up CIA brief. We will review information and go over Stalin's rule.
We will make a general time line of the events of the Russian Revolution.
A helpful video

Last Video. Here is Stalin.

Tuesday will find us taking the song by U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday and having the students turn it into a new song for Russia and its revolution.

Here is the song.

Wednesday we will be finishing up the song activity.

Thursday we will review for a test on WWI and Russian Revolution.

Friday a test on WWI and Russian Revolution.