Sunday, April 29, 2012

APRIL 30 - May 4

Monday we will be finishing Islamic Art. This will lead us into Sharia.

A call to prayer or one of the pillars.

Tuesday we will finish Sharia law and discuss Shia vs Sunni and the conflicts that arise over this division.

Image Detail

Wednesday will have us looking at conflict in the modern Middle East with Israel and Palestinian conflict, The Wars in Afghanistan (al Qaeda and taliban), Iraq and Pakistan.

Thursday will find us looking at the conflicts of the Middle East.

Friday will be a test on Islam and Middle East.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hope vacation was enjoyable. We are in the last push. This week we will be looking at the Middle East and Islam.

On Monday, the students will work on a pre quiz and then a map of the middle east. Here is the homework packet for Islam. We will start smoe notes on Islam.

Tuesday will be an introduction to the Middle East in the context of the Cold War. It will also be an intro to Islam and the 5 pillars. HERE ARE THE NOTES.

Wednesday will be a look at Muhammed and his story. We start looking at common ties of Islam such as the Koran and Arabic. We will also be looking at the difference between Shiites and Sunnis.

Thursday will be a look at Arabic and its use in the koran. It is the holy language of Islam.

Friday will be spent on on the modern issues that face the middle east such as Israel and Palestine, Afghanistan and Iran. Homework packet will be due.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Monday will find us going over the war in Europe. This will be a overview. We will touch upon blitzkrieg, The Blitz, Germany's two front war, Stalingrad and D-Day and Finally V-E Day.

Here is German Footage of their battle for Russia and Stalingrad. Good luck on the German.

For those who want to know what happen to Hitler.

Tuesday will find us moving over to the Pacific Theatre. We will be discussing Pearl Harbor, Island Hopping, Japan's refusal to surrender which leads to Kamikaze's and eventually the Atomic Bomb.

Here is the footage of aircraft carriers and kamikaze.

Wednesday is a half day and will find us looking at the atomic bomb and the implications.

Thursday will find us looking at V-J Day and the end of the war. Plus a quick review of all the material we have gone over. Students will also receive a DBQ  (Document Based Questions) to do for homework on WWII.

Friday will be a test on WWII.

Friday at 2:05 is April Vacation.

Sunday, April 1, 2012



We will be going to court this week. We will be putting Hitler on Trial for crimes against humanity.
Prosecution will prove that he was complicit in the Holocaust which includes gays, Jews, Gypsies, physically and mentally handicap and others.
The Defense will try and prove that Hitler was a hateful person, but others were hateful and took Hitlers ideas to the next level and implemented them on their own. People like Himmler (head of the SS) and Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda Minister).

Good luck it should be exciting.

The students will be graded on their two paragraphs, their picture, their effort in the court and their behvior during the trial. This is a test grade.

No school Friday: Good Friday.